Monitor Berita. In the discussion that was broadcast live via Facebook by DIGDAYA TV took place interactively by receiving questions directly from viewers who watched. One of the questions came from Ms. Ana Hartati addressed to Prabowo Subianto as the main speaker.

Mrs. Ana asked, "how is Pak Prabowo dealing with feelings of sadness / disappointment at being cheated / replaced, especially related to political activities?"

Prabowo replied, "In this life we ​​are given the freedom to be and we must choose. My parents always remind me that I have to be a knight. One of the teachings of the knight is "Sabdo Pandito Ratu", the speech of a leader is like a law. "

"A leader must be careful in speaking and that is a characteristic of a trustworthy leader. The choice to be a trust is self-respect. My religion (Islam) through the Prophet Muhammad also taught this. So if they betray, then that is the choice they choose for the freedom given for their lives, "said Prabowo.

"I also took lessons from my leader in the military, one of which was Pak Wismoyo Arismunandar. His message, the character of a brave person must always be happy. Because of that, I try to always be happy, it doesn't mean to be happy because of being rewarded. "

"But I try not to get discouraged and get up again every time I experience something unpleasant. I have to be a brave and knight like the message of the leader and my ancestors, "said the former Kopassus Danjen.

"A Prabowo may be betrayed, cheated, cheated. For me it's not a problem, as long as I don't betray, cheat, and cheat. Sometimes I get discouraged, but I always take lessons from every time I am betrayed, blown and cheated, "he continued.

"One of the impacts of not being trustworthy is ignoring. The data shows that Indonesia is lagging behind other nations. Starting from access to health, clean water, food, etc. Also other indicators show that Indonesia is not strong in economic terms. This is a form of not trusting elites in this country. "

"Elite means the group that leads. Covers elites in the fields of entrepreneurs, scholars, artists, and the military. Those who are educated, who can discuss, have more abilities. I am also part of the elite and I am struggling to be a trusted elite. "

"Therefore I tried to remind, I conveyed through the book, through the seminar, through writing, and also I tried to solve the problem by going down to politics," continued the General Chair of the Gerindra Party.

Validation is an honor that must be carried out by everyone because basically each of us is a leader, a minimum of leaders for ourselves. Do fellow readers agree?


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